“When I discovered energy healing I knew I had found my path. SVH wasn’t the first energy modality I found (there are many great ones) but it’s the one I now use everyday. It goes beyond space and time and works only with the highest of the high. To take charge of our lives the first question is always ‘How did I attract and allow this?’. SVH tools give us the ability to make deep changes and create the life we really want. There is no way to do harm with the SVH tools and I love that I can give clients and loved ones ‘Trigger’ words they can use to help themselves. It’s fast and easy but so profound! What I love about boni is her integrity and love. She has an amazing gift for you – reach out and take it! Drama and struggle don’t fit our world anymore – get yourself the best tools on this planet and start living a wonderful life!”"
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“Boni has a positive energy that is infectious and rare. She makes everyone around her feel free and light.”
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“The work boni did with our cat and dog, who were both struggling with their health, has made such a difference in the effectiveness of their medical treatment. It seems to have cleared the way so any treatment they have received since has been more effective and long-lasting compared to if they had not had boni work with them in her loving and compassionate way. Now both pets seem like they will live forever, where before it was doubtful they would make it another year.”
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“Serenity Vibration Healing has literally transformed my life. I have experienced remarkable healing and have noticed that events and situations that used to trigger emotional reactions and old programming are no longer part of my reality. SVH has become a way of life for me with its diverse tools and uses. It has opened higher levels of enlightenment than I ever believed possible.”
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